
What is your view on the United Nations? Do they help?

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I was thinking of perusing a career in the United Nations, but people have told me that the UN doesn't really do anything. What do you think?




  1. The UN became a Useless Nothing during n**i Waldheim and Corrupt Kofi's time. It is just an unnecessary expense for the taxpayers. The money should be better used for helping the starving millions on the Earth.

  2. If you want to pad your own pocket while letting other people die when you do nothing, then go right ahead.

  3. This short video should tell you everything you need to know about the UN...

  4. UN was founded after the WW2 to escape the madness of global war...

    Some people criticize it cause of their inactivity. However, even is they do 10%, Is it better than nothing. Since half of XXth century, UN had developped many activities.

    UNESCO : Culture and Education

    UNICEF : Help children to raise them

    Help for Refugges...

    However, UN organisation is link to the countries and not reflect current world... we need to change the Security Concil.

    But it still the only area where States could be talk together... for this reason, we can fight ourself to make it better.. keep hope.

    (sorry for my English)

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