
What is your view on the idea that it takes failure to achieve success?

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What is your view on the idea that it takes failure to achieve success?




  1. if that is true i should have a lot of success on my way...

  2. The definition of success if different to different people. I don't see failure as a necessary step to success. It doesn't always keep you from being successful but, some successful people have not failed.

  3. Like anyone else would say, you learn from your mistakes. it takes many times to be completely successfull in life.

  4. the most difficult things are impossible to do right the first time. some things you can learn from the wisdom, and mistakes of others. some things you need to do the mistakes yourself.

    but it doesn't mean that if you fail you will succeed, you need to be perseverant, focused and learning from your mistakes, not simply making them.

  5. I sort of live by this.

    The reason that I might get dropped from my program at college is because I don't care. I don't care, because I've never felt the pain of not being able to support myself. I don't understand yet the consequences and therefore I have no drive to overcome my laziness.

    Anything I've ever truly succeeded at, I have failed first.

    It helps me appreciate the magnitude of the success. Plus, you learn a lot more when you fail a little bit... and you can give advice to others who are trying to overcome the same things.

    You can say,"Whoa, buddy, don't do what I did!"

  6. that's loser talk.

  7. If you've never failed, how can you be sure if you've succeeded?

  8. If at first you don't succeed try try again,success takes trial and error

  9. well when you try to do something and if you fail then all it takes is a little more effort, patience, and faith to achieve success.  

  10. I think it takes failure to make us appreciate success and when your back is against the wall it is amazing what you can pull out of the bag. It probably is a maturing process to experience failure but we don't like painful lessons even if good for us.

  11. Why we learn from our mistakes

    Psychologists from the University of Exeter have identified an ‘early warning signal’ in the brain that helps us avoid repeating previous mistakes. Published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, their research identifies, for the first time, a mechanism in the brain that reacts in just 0.1 seconds to things that have resulted in us making errors in the past.

    Previous research has shown that we learn more about things for which we initially make incorrect predictions than for things for which our initial predictions are correct. The element of surprise in discovering we are wrong is conducive to learning. but this research is the first to show how amazingly rapid our brain’s response can be. This discovery was made possible through the use of electrophysiological recordings, which allow researchers to detect processes in the brain at the instant they occur.

  12. I recently read something that really stuck with me about this whole success / failure.... duality / opposites theme.  

    Authentic success arrives only after we have mastered failing better. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. Failure is apart of the creative process, and ultimately we can and will fail enough to learn what is needed to advance and get a little better next time.  

    I don't believe anyone has made it in this life without having some sort of failures.  I think the more important issue is how we react to the failure, and what we do to change for the better.

    Thanks for reading!

  13. That's nothing but bull. I've failed plenty of times and have never succeeded in anything in my life. Not one thing! I know I've tried, and harder than those who got there, but I never quite succeeded. I don't know who made that one up but they sure were out of it when they said it.

  14. Often times this can be the case but people would rather avoid failure at any cost. Failure can mean a further opportunity to improve or it can mean stop. However unless we exercise some intuition we will be machines as the scinces say we are.

  15. trying is the first step towards failure

  16. You have to go down a few dead ends sometimes to find the road to success.

  17. I believe if your always successfull then life wont seem successfull. But if Your life is hard and something good comes your way then it seems so much better.

    Could you please read my latest question.  

  18. Sounds like a dumb idea to me- Stay far away from those.

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