
What is your view on the legalization of Marijuana?

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  1. I chose this question because marijuana was one of my favorite things as a teenager. I think medicinal marijuana is a good thing and it should be allowed by the Courts. Just having marijuana around for everybody who wants to smoke it seems like a bad and crazy idea. Unless it has real tight rules and regulations, like alcohol and cigarettes, because lets face it, not everything people do is going to be good for their health, their friend's health, or their parent's health. Also if legalized it could become a (legal) commodity for Capitalism, which is good, I figure. Maybe it can be used as a new car fuel, instead of corn. The cars can get high. Hee hee hee, Ha ha.

  2. No!

    I used to work in the criminal justice system and I saw so many lives destroyed by cannabis. It's a huge myth that it is harmless. Just like alcohol or most other drugs some people can use it with no ill affects, and others will get every side effect under the sun (up to depression and psychosis). Because it was illegal following a large bust in the town where I lived the supply dried up, forcing abstinence in the community, and of the people that I was in direct contact with a handful gave up and enabled themselves the opportunity to get their lives back on track.

    As for the old argument that alcohol and tobacco do more damage, yes they do, I'm not going to argue on that point. I'll merely point out that it's much easier to legalise something than criminalise it, and the argument that 'well this self-harming behaviour is legal' is poorly thought out in my opinion.

  3. I would say No absolutley not.

    Marijuana affects people differently, some function really well others do not function and end up with mental health issues. I think society is better off keeping it illegal.

    This is not a bias opinion as I have had my fair share  

  4. I'm for it.

    I don't do it, I don't do any drugs, but I think there should be an age limit on it, and I think that it should have the same rules as alcohol (no smoking and driving, etc, etc.)

  5. I see nothing wrong with occasional marijuana use, and feel there is no reason why marijuana shouldn't be legal. To clarify, it seems that if alcohol and tobacco use is legal, pot use should also be legal, since if you're an average marijuana user it doesn't hurt your body the way alcohol and tobacco does (at least to my understanding).  Another thing, the government could regulate marijuana we could make sure it isn't laced with harder drugs, and therefore marijuana will be safer.  We could use the tax money to help schools or something.  Also, our jails will have more space to accommodate REAL criminals.

    At the same time, though, it bothers me when someones main cause is marijuana legalization.  Fighting for the right to use the drug of your choice when there are people in this country going without food and shelter and health care.. it seems so selfish, ya know?

  6. Personally, I think that weed should be legal.

    I think is stupid for judges and courts to spend so much time dealing with people with weed when there are bigger cases such as rape/murder/etc.

    Like most topics, there are always things from each side that you agree with or disagree with.

    It should be streated the same way as alcohol. YOu dont drive when your drunk. Dont do it when youre high. I think it impairs you driving. Ive meet and seen people who get really messed when they do weed. It doesnt make everyone calm or mellow. Everybody is different. Just like some people react differently to alcohol. Ive seen it.

    I dont smoke weed.

  7. POT should be legal, IGNORANCE should be illegal.

    Comparing pot to booze is retarded.

    A "poll like" question is "yes" or "no", without "details".

    This, is an "opinion" question.

    But, since you ask, just how many billions of your tax dollars have been completely WASTED on the "war on drugs", a "war" that's been going on for as many years as this one, without any effect on the situation, except to make it worse.

    They say that, "doing the same thing over and over,but expecting different results, is insane".

    The money wasted on this stupid law is staggering, the money wasted on warehousing people for a PLANT is plain ridiculous.

    Money that could be better spent on helping this country get back together, instead of punishing the population for nonviolent "crimes".

    Here's something to be proud of, the US boasts "the land of the free"

    B.S. the US has more people in prison, than ANY other country in the world. Something is seriously wrong.

    And these "wrongs" are committed by people that "don't use drugs".

    What's that tell you?

  8. Well I would say make it legal tax it and make jail time for more than 1 oz.If you were busted with more than 1 oz. and any other drug, You get 25 years automatically!

  9. when alcohol was legalized I believe that was a major mistake. Marijuana should have been legalized instead. Alcohol makes people go crazy and marijuana just mellows people.

  10. I'm definitely against it.

    Look at alcohol. It's legalized, and do you see how many people get killed EVERYDAY just by people who overdo it with the liquor? Just imagine what could happen if pot was legalized. Even more people would die because people would drive around high. And when you're high, your judgment is worse.

    How many people have to suffer so someone can feel good about himself?

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