
What is your view toward adoption?

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Would you adopt a child and treat him/her like your own, even if you have real children?




  1. From my point of view

    if i were to adopt a child I would love

    and care for that child like if it were mine.

    it really tears my heart to see all those children

    Out there who's parents just have them

    and leave them once their born. Then ten years

    later come back and want them back. All of a sudden

    Me and my boyfriend are planning to adopt

    a child once we are married!!!

  2. as per the persons wish.....

    just consider the children as god......

    and all will b rite

  3. if i have enough time to spend with him/her yes, or you can just spend your time with the children you have.

    its your choice, but it would be wrong to adopt a child and neglect your own.

  4. Yes I could and I have thought about it.  I had a very rough time with my pregnancy.  I told my husband I did not want to go through that again and we begun talking about adoption.  That was the first question I asked him and he said he did not feel he could be fair to the child after already having his own.  I would treat it like my own with no prejudice.  I think it depends on the person.

  5. Even if I have "real" children?  As opposed to the fake kind?  Are you serious?

  6. Yes, of course. I have been ttc for 2 and half years with nothing. My husband and I are looking into adoption. If by the graces of god we do get pregnant we would still adopt and love them both no matter what. Being a parent is not wether your the biological parent or not . It is loving and providing and protecting that child for ever. Just my thoughts. =]

  7. Even if I am blessed to have a child of my own, my husband and I want to adopt. He was in and out of foster homes, and we want to give a few children the right to live a happy life. Adoption is great. If you can do it, you should. Saving a life is something everyone should experience, the world could be a happier place.

    I would most definitely love a child that isn't biologically mine just as I would if I had a child of my own. I treat my dogs like my kids, and they are dogs and not even from a human.

  8. You shouldnt adopt unless you are prepared to treat the child equally as one of your own.

  9. I was adopted, and I honestly don't feel like I was treated the same as my siblings. I don't mind, I love my adopted family, and to me now, I just deal with it. Whatever, I wasn't their natural child, they didn't have to take me in, and they didn't have to give me all they did, and they didn't have to love me. But they did, as best as they could. Granted, I know I will treat my daughter a lot differently then I was treated, but my parents were doing the best they could

  10. d**n right I would!

    When it comes time for me to have a child, I am going to adopt.

    I want a child, and they want parents.

    There are too many kids without parents - it only makes sense to help them out.

    I would love him/her as my own.

  11. I think it is a wonderful opportunity to help children and people who can't have any children.  Yes.  Yes.

  12. All children are REAL children. An adopted child can be loved and cared for just the same as a biological child.

  13. Well, the fact taht the child is placed in adoption is sad, but the fact that they can have an additional family who loves them and wants to be their parents is good.

    And ofcourse the parents will (in most cases) treat them as their "own" because they ARE their own.  I know you mean biological vs. adopted, but children are children they are all REAL- not figments of ones' imaginations.

  14. if i adopted a child i would treat them like they were mine

    i would love them like my own because if you are going to mistreat them whats the point of adopting

  15. I think by "real" children, you are referring to biological children.  Adoption is a very sensitive issue and as such, respectful language needs to be used.  "Real" children and "Real" parents are not the best terms to describe the adoption experience.

    That said, I have one biological child and two children from adoption.  I have no problems feeling the same love and affection for all of them.  In fact, the only time I refer to my younger children as "adopted" is when I need to make a point in reference to the adoption experience, as I am doing now.

  16. answer to your question is yes i would. iv had some one Else's daughter live with me for 6 months. i know it don't sound that long but it  was and i treated her like she was my own child and it broke my heart when she decided to go live with her dad even though she never new her dad that much. and my daughter was only a tot when she left and to she looked up to her as her big sis and that upset her when she left. i would if i could adopted a child not from this country but from a poor country.

  17. I'm only 18, but my plans for the future would be to adopt 2 kids n have 2 of my own.

    I like the fact that I would be giving a child love even though its not really my kid. I would know then that its my child because I raised it n tought it everything I know, just like my own kids.

    I wouldn't treat them any different from my real kids.

    My mom is adopted n her mom had 3 other kids. my grandma showed equal love to my mom n her brothers.

    I would feel really great 2 know that I'm giving love 2 kids that need it more.

    My real kids would have evrything, I wouldn't mind sharing everything that I have 2 kids that have nothing. Knowing that I'm giving them the oportunity 2 go 2 school, have a real family, n 2 have a future.

    I know I would make them feel blessed 2 have some 1 like me around them.

  18. adoption is wonderful, I couldn't give a child a way, but I would adopt in a heart beat

  19. I hate hearing about people who adopt kids and don't treat them the same as their biokids (by the way adopted kids ARE adoptive parents real children, they just aren't blood related).  So I would definitely treat my children the same!

  20. I feel adoption is good because there are so many orphans who think no one wants them. Its really sad :( I would treat them as my own of course!!!

    My question:

  21. I would. I wouldnt adopt however, I would rather have my own. But on the upside adoption is a wonderful alternative to forcing a baby to have a crappy life thats unstable, and also a wonderful alternative for people with fertility or other problems. Adoption A plus...unless you can support it. ;)

  22. I think it's complex.  In certain circumstances, adoption, or something like it, is necessary to provide a child with a safe alternative to being parented by their natural parents.

    I think there's a multitude of considerations to undertake if you're interested in adoption, and there are definitely right and wrong reasons for doing so.

    If you do adopt a child, they are your 'real' child, in addition to being the child of their natural parents.  Parenting should never be about ownership in my opinion, you love a child for the whole human being that they are, all by themselves.

    I'm a long term/permanent foster parent, we don't adopt from foster care in Australia as a general rule, but you can take parental guardianship which still allows you to be the child's full legal parent without changing the child's identity.  This is what will likely happen with my current children.

  23. I do have a real child.  My child that happens to have been adopted is not imaginary, she is very much real.

    My answer is yes.

  24. yes i will.....i respect people who really does adopt the kids and take care of them.....

  25. I really hate the words "like your own".  I'm not taking issue with you personally, just these words since they so frequently show up in discussions about adoption.  Do you love people because they are yours???  

    I love my kids because they are here.  They are so wonderful I can't HELP loving them.  They love me back...which only makes me love them more...a never-ending cycle.  Nothing to do with ownership or possession or biology!

  26. I have two real children and adoption isn't in my future, ever. I am adopted, and I would never adopt.

    I will open my home to foster youth once my children are older, and I will support third world countries and their communities in the future as well.

  27. I have adopted two children and have five biological children and it is an amazing experience.    It's hard to explain, but they become your own as soon as they are in your arms, there is no difference in my love or commitment to any of my children, they are all mine!

    In your question your term "real" children is funny, they are all real.  I think you mean biological. :-)

  28. Adopted chlidren are real children.

  29. Yeah, I think adoption is great. It sucks seeing a kid without a parent.

  30. i was adopted and had a better life, the only thing id say is if you do adopt get medical records of real parents that's so I'mportant even now im asked if diabetes runs in the family? i dont know

  31. YES i would adopt a child and  treat him/her as my own, some times i think children would be better off with adopt parents. some dont get the love and attention they deserve. some time all they want is a cuddle and some reasurance. I have a child of my own and would love to have another one but due to complications i cant have any more so now im considering adoptions.

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