
What is your worst experience with "spinning"?

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What is your worst experience with "spinning"?




  1. Couldnt get the c-172 to spin at all! Took 4 tries before the aircraft entered a spin..

    d**n Postive Static /Dynamic Stablity~!

  2. Why does it have to be a "worst" experience?  Spins are fun!

    They can be scary the first time or two, but a good instructor will help you concentrate until you can see what is happening.

    It is a good idea not to eat a lot of rich food just before you go.  Anyone's stomach can get confused.

    Have fun!

  3. Being at 900 feet going down to 500 when the field elevation was 250 and still not recovering in 30 knot crosswinds.

  4. none

  5. While spinning inverted I had a ''red out'' after the sixth turn.  My instructor said I was out for four minutes.  When I woke I vomited within 30 seconds.  I kept all my maneuvers in the positive g range after that.

  6. I'm not scared of spins... I'm not a big fan... but I'm not scared.  My worst experience was instructing when a student unintentionally put us into a spin.  It wasn't a bid deal at the time... I saw it coming, I know how to recover, and I had done many by that time.  I'm not sure if it was complacencey, but I let it happen.  What happened next I didn't see... I told him to recover (we'd been over the maneuver and how to recover)... he didn't respond.  I told him again... nothing.  I said 'my controls' nothing (he was frozen).  I started picking up my voice- nothing.  When all was said and done (I even tried taking the controls from him- nothing)... I finally ended up smacking him on the head before he gave the controls back to me.  We recovered less than 1000 agl.  Not a good experience.  It's the only experience I've ever had of having to hit a student before they've reacted.  Not fun.  Live and learn.

  7. Makes me puke!

  8. No bad experiences. Mine have all been intentional. So far.

  9. When my wife out out of the 182 & threw her purse at me.

  10. crash

  11. My worst experience was when I was still a student pilot many years ago while on vacation. I believe I had a grand total of about 6 hours at that point. An instructor that I had hired so I could keep up some training while I was away from my regular instructor had me do a climbing stall to the left. Before I knew it, the plane did a "wing-over" and we were in a spin. It wouldn't have been so bad but we were over a bay on the north end of CA at only 1200'. I looked at him and the only thing he did was sit there with his mouth open looking frozen. Luckily, in my ground school the week before, I had studied spin recovery. Well, rather than panic, I thought, "Let's see if John King knows what he's talking about." I pulled power, leveled the ailerons, and pushed the right rudder almost through the firewall. Lo and behold, it worked with all of about 250' left to spare before going swimming. My "instructor" at that point came out of his coma and congratulated me saying he was just seeing if I knew what to do and asked what I wanted to do next. I told him I wanted to get back to the airport and get as far away from him as possible. I later told my regular instructor about this and he said that guy should never have let such a new student get into such a situation and I should have reported him. I guess maybe I should have at the time but I was just glad to be alive at that point.

    Since then I've done a few spins and they're fun, as long as you've got lots of distance between you and the hard stuff below.

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