
What is your worst fear when you see the dentist?

by Guest33583  |  earlier

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What is your worst fear when you see the dentist?




  1. That he will hit a nerve and I will hit him.  I have super sensitive teeth and every dentist has always dismissed this.  I have had a baby, a hysterectomy and and a gall bladder removed and I would rather do all three at the same time than have a dentist set my teeth off again.  I'm not a baby so why do they think I'm being awkward/

    Hate them

  2. Lol you wont belive this but my dentist is a woman about the same age as me 27 and i fancy her,i sent her flowers to her work place about 5 months ago and im due my 6 month check up this month.I feel so stupid because i have no idea what her reaction will be at my next appointment and im shiiting a brick lol im deffinately going to go i'll get the courage to face my actions but my worst fear is her reaction when i see her.It was her fault anyway she flirted with me a few times at previous appointments, i though sending floweres would be a good idea but ive probably just embarrased myself but thats life LOL wish me luck

  3. My dad is my dentist, so I fear nothing, since I feel comfortable in the hands of dad. What I fear is his assistants, who are always saying "Look how big you've gotten! You're so thin! Your thighs are so muscular!!...." Don't worry, it's not harrasment, they're sort of like annoying family members....  

  4. The bill.

  5. That shes gonna say I need a filling :(

  6. he might slip and the drill will cut my mouth  

  7. The thought that I might need treatment and then comes the needles.

  8. that im not at the dentist

  9. That they'll find something that requires treatment.

  10. That I will swallow my tongue when its numb and choke to death. O_o maybe I just have an overactive imagination. ^^

  11. i always hope he is sober.

  12. I've never had a filling, but the thought terrifies me!!  It makes me want to stop going altogether.

    & good luck to s**y Paul!

  13. the blood pouring out of my mouth

  14. That he might rape me......

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