
What is your worst weed tweak or freak out?

by  |  earlier

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if you had smoked weed, what is your worst tweak or freak out, for example mine was that i felt like i did not feel like myself, that it was all a dream, and i was thinking who am i kind of thoughts, and i puked




  1. I've never freaked out but i passed out on someones couch for like 2 hours and kept eating all her candy. I had to run home and got lost because i went the exact opposite direction even though i live in the same neighborhood.

  2. i was smoking weed in a car with my friends and i feel like i have to throw up so i run out of the car and fall and cant get up because "we're on a hill" even though we were nowhere near a hill

  3. I got some weed that was laced, i did not know it was and i smoked it and like half hour later i started totally tripping ball, turns out it was laced with acid, i took a bath trying to just chill and not tweak. I put my head back and i just saw this huge colorful tree that was just one big K'nex Piece if you know what those are, them the paint started running down my mind, i opened my eyes and my bathwater was all tye-dye colored, so then i let the water out and watched it drain out. I still just sat in the tub, and then i barfed blood all over my chest. So i showered it off quickly and just went to bed. It was horrible. Well there is my worst tweak!!!

  4. I have severe arachnophobia, and I kept seeing spiders in my bed while I was asleep. It was terrible.

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