
What is zero divided by zero?

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Any number divided by itself gives the same number.But what about for zero?




  1. 0/0=0

    Lets talk about this in a different language. Nothing times nothing, is nothing.  If we have nothing and we add more nothing to it we still have nothing. It's the same with dividing nothing by nothing.

  2. It is undefined, zero is incorrect in my opinion.

    after all, if you look at nothing, then ask how many nothings are in that nothing, you don't say none. You say WTF? It's an impossibility.

  3. This is undefined in the real number system.

    The question is: why?  Well, there are a couple of reasons.  First, if we let 0/0 = 1, then:

    0/0 = 1, and 0 + 0 = 0, so:

    1 = 0/0 = (0 + 0) / 0 = 0/0 + 0/0 = 1 + 1 = 2.

    So we clearly can't just let 0/0 = 1, because 1 is not equal to 2.

    The deal is that the rules of mathematics require that dividing is multiplying by a number's inverse; that is, if we divide a by b, we're actually multiplying a by b's inverse.  b's inverse is the unique number such that b * (b inverse) = 1.  But there's no such number for 0--it's the one exception in the real number system, the one number that does not have an inverse.

    If you go on to study mathematics, you will find out that there are number systems where the rules of division are different, and in which dividing by 0 makes logical sense.  But the real number system that you will use through calculus can't allow for this.

    Hope this helps.

  4. 0

  5. This is called an "indeterminate form".  It is meaningless.

  6. 0/0 = ERROR.. cannot be..

  7. :|  its 0 .

  8. You have found an annoying problem with our number system

    Two answers:

    Any number with 0 in the numerator = 0

    Any number divided by 0 = undefined.

    My teacher prefers the second one, I prefer the first one

    Here's another good math enigma

    1/9 = .11111 repeating

    2/9 = .22222 repeating


    9/9 = .99999 repeating = 1- .000repeating1

  9. why 1 of course.

    think of it as the limit of (n/n) as n -> 0

    Use l'Hopital's rule which makes it (1/1) and this is just 1

  10. 0/0 is undefined.

    If you have

    x/y where x approaches 0, the answer also approaches 0.

    0/y = 0

    If you have

    x/y where y approaches 0, the answer gets very large, so

    x/0 = infinity

    The problem is

    x/x where x approaches 0

    This answer is undefined as it gets very large and very small at the same time.

  11. its either underdefined or error...

  12. If you do it in a calculator it gives a "Divide by zero error". This is because you can't divide any number by zero.

    But you can divide 0 into 1, 0 into 100, etc. It would just return 0.

    Zero in the numerator returns 0, zero in the denominator returns undefined or Divide By 0 Error.

  13. 0/0=indefinite

  14. 0 / 0 = 0.


  15. mathamatrishuns define it bi how yu get tuit.

    infinite string1/infinite string 2

    Take the limit as the values approach zero.

    So it depend on the math expreshuns yu plae with.

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