
What is zionist? and what is mason? ?

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What is zionist? and what is mason? ?




  1. Zionists are a group of Jewish people who support the creation of an independent Jewish nation.

    Masons, known as the Bavarian Freemasons Society is a secret group which contributes to world peace and good.

  2. Zionists are people who want to destroy Palestine in order to create Israel.

  3. they are both the same, the maisons supprot the zionists.

  4. Zionism is a sect of Jews.  And the masons are a mysterious organization linked to many conspiracies.  Both strive for world domination!  Allah knows best.

  5. A zionist is a specialised type of jew. Look it up!

    A mason is someone belonging to the Masonic Lodge,a so-called secret society.

    What the h**l they actually do,nobody really knows,apart from swinging their regalia around doing the silly walk.

  6. [What the h**l they actually do,nobody really knows]

    Wrong.  Ever hear of the Shriners Hospitals?  They are hospitals for children, totally free of cost to the patients, paid for and maintained by Masons.  

  7. I heard that Shaitan (Satan) him self takes classes from a Zionist teacher on how to be more "evil".

  8. A zionist is the bugaboo that the Palestinians use to justify their relentless and unwarranted attacks upon Israel.

    Masons are a fraternal order of Xtians.

  9. A freemason is a member of the social fraternity.

    I'm not a zionist so I can't answer that part, if there even is such a group.

    to some others:

    freemasons are not evil, nor are the striving for world domination - anyone who suggests either knows nothing about freemasonry.

    there is no such thing as the bavarian freemasons society; you are thinking of the bavarian illuminati, who died out over 200 years ago

    hanabee knows nothing about freemasonry...

  10. zionist=so called israel

  11. Agree with sara Josph but if u really want to no about freemasons they r Devil worshipers  & followers of shaytaan If u can get hold of a tape called SHADOWS u can also watch it on u tube & no their truth.

  12. zionists are jewish people who wanted to establish a ntaional homelanf for jewish people and i have no idea what mason is

  13. Zionists are modified Jews who do not follow the basics and fundamentals taught by Prophet Moses A.S. therefore they follow their own wills and can do anything to achieve their any goal. They never hesitate to lie/ cheat/ rob/ steal/ kill etc as far as they follow their own wills and do not afraid of God i.e. Yahweh.

    Zionism is an international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine and continues primarily as support for the modern state of Israel.

    Mason or Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. This religion does not preach neither reveals itself to others. Only members know it's basics.

    Freemasonry uses the metaphors of operative stonemasons' tools and implements, against the allegorical backdrop of the building of King Solomon's Temple, to convey what has been described by both Masons and critics as "a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols."

    Since the adoption of Anderson's constitution in 1723, it has been accepted as fact by regular Masons that only men can be made Masons. Most Grand Lodges do not admit women because they believe it would violate the ancient Landmarks. While a few women were initiated into British speculative lodges prior to 1723, officially regular Freemasonry remains exclusive to men.
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