
What isearths smallest lake?

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What isearths smallest lake?




  1. I don't know but I've often wondered what size a pond has to be before it's called a lake.

    I'd love to know the answer so I'll be checking out your question to see if anyone knows it.

  2. A lake has a stream/river or other flowing water that drains from it to another body of water.

    Lake Tear of the Clouds in the Adirondack Mountains (NY State) is a very small lake (most ponds are bigger), but it is the highest "upstream" source of the Hudson River which is one of the largest, by volume, on Earth!

    Have fun!

  3. First define what a lake is. Here's one definition I've found that seems as good as any.

    1. The lake surface area must be at least 1 hectare, or 2.471 acres. 1 hectare is 100 meters by 100 meters. Long-recognized lakes smaller than this size are grandfathered in; if ancient Hawaiians and Incas were willing to make the trek up to their sacred lake, that's good enough for me!

    2. The lake must be at least 2 meters deep somewhere. You know, for swimming.

    3. The lake must be mostly open water. If you can walk or hop all the way across it in your water-proofed hiking boots, it's not a lake, it's a marsh.

    4. The lake must be perennial, lasting throughout the entire year. Specifically, the lake must retain at least 100 cubic meters of liquid water year-round. That's 10x10 meters by 1 meter deep - fish could live in that. It's okay for the lake to have a permanent surface layer of ice, like Lake Vostok in Antarctica, as long as there's water down below.

    5. Someone has to visit the lake on the ground to verify and document it.

    On this basis it ould be one of the Tarns in the Lake District or Scotland.

  4. The one that is dried up!

  5. Lake Waitaki is the smallest, oldest and furthest downstream of the three man-made lakes

  6. lake tear

  7. Boeri Lake (proof), Tear Lake (no proof)

    This is the smallest natural lake I could find. It is a crater lake that has an area of 4.5 acres. That, according to an online converter is an area of only  0. 2 km²  (0.018 square kilometer) OR only 0. 007 miles²   ( 0.007 square mile)

    The crater lake is found in Morne Trois Pitons National Park on the island of Dominica. Dominica is the island just north of the island Martinque in the Lesser Antilles.

    Tear Lake is also a natural lake in NY state that has formed in a cirque on Mount Marcy (Adirondack Mtns). This lake is also very small referred to as a tarn but I could not find any statistics to support the size.  (Tarn - "a small mountain lake or pool, esp. one in a cirque")

  8. I have one in my bathtub

  9. Lake - "A large pool of liquid".  

    The woman spilled a lake of coffee on my desk creating the world's smallest lake.

  10. Aral sea.

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