
What ism did pablo picasso belong in?

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could someone help me with this question? i have no idea what "ism" means.




  1. cubism


  2. i absolutely hate classification.........and even though we all know

    Picasso was instrumental in bringing cubism to the public eye....

    HE ALSO painted beautiful classical pieces .... I know he is better known as painting ladies with eyes in the wrong place...Please Please search for his piece of the child with the dove...

    I would love to see some of the 'surrealist' pieces that people say he painted?!?!?

    look at Dali or Matisse for Surrealism...

    for goodness sake how do you expect to learn enough about a man that created more art in so many forms by asking a question on here!

    If you want to learn about him please go to the library... there are things written about him beyond the first page of a book that people never bother to learn...

  3. cubism

    ism refers to a style or system of doing something .in this case,painting.IT often also refers to a belief system as in Buddhism.

    In medicine,ism refers to a state of being or a condition as in aneurism ,autism ,etc.

  4. "ism" refers to end of the word, like Romantic"ism", Liberal"ism", etc, usually referring to a time period or style

    Picasso belongs in the Cubism period of art


    Take a look at the above web site.

  6. Napkinism, for his habit of paying his restaurant bills by drawing on napkins.

  7. 'isms' are art movements. How an artist displays his ingenuity through art. eg - Think lowry and warhol. Not quite the same type of art . . .

    Picasso was part of cubism. Art through basic shapes and colours.

  8. Cubism and surrealism.

    As for the explanation of "ism", read:

    Meow:  "ism" appears in other areas as well, not just art. Sexism,  homosexualism,  existentialism, marxism,  and hundreds of others.

  9. Pablo Picasso, yes, was part of the cubism art movement, but more importantly he was a very influential figure in modernism.  Modernism by name and its very nature was believed by its movers and shakers (at the end of the 19th and early years of the 20th centuries) to be what would break down the hold that traditions and the old empires had on the world.  Picasso painted like no one before him and really is the bridge between the old and the new art.  I don't believe he was a surrealist as some have suggested.

  10. It is cubism, not surrealism.

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