
What isn't the lawyer and grandmother revealing re: Missing girl Cayley Anthony?

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If anyone's been following the story, everything the lawyer states indicates he knows what is going on. As well the grandmother. They both state they believe she's alive, but need to speak with Cayley's mom, (currently incarcerated).

Why not let the mom out, even with an ankle bracelet, so she can perhaps 'lead' them to the little girl or fill in the blanks the lawyer keeps stating. Then we will see if she really can back up their 'talk' on Cayley hopefully being alive.

ANY lead is a good lead, so why keep the mom cut off from communication if she can help, now that grandma and lawyer(s) are Involved. The lawyer stated again, she's alive, and in another state, as did grandma. Isn't finding Cayley the main objective? THEN to punish her mom...

What do you think?




  1. I have been following this story since I saw it on Nancy Grace last week.  The lawyer for Casey, mentioned yesterday that Casey is willing to cooperate ONLY if she is released from prison and placed into the grandmother's, Cindy Anthony, custody.  They were also mentioning something to the effect that if the judge granted immunity to Casey on this case, she would would tell police what she knew.  Obviously, they are not going to grant her immunity.

    I also don't think by letting her out of jail she's going to contribute anything.  I mean she's already lied to the police about this fictitious babysitter she left the child with, in an apartment that has been vacant for five months.  By letting Casey into the custody of the mother, I don't think anything good will come from it.  Authorities are definitely making the right choice by keeping her in jail.  I mean what if she's suicidal?  If she were to kill herself, then baby Cayley would never be found.  

    I would also like to mention that yesterday the police had cadaver dogs sniffing around Casey's car in which one of the dogs got a hit on the trunk area.  The grandmother, Cindy, tried to play it off as if the dog was wrong and said it was old pizza that the dog was smelling.  Those dogs are specifically trained to search for cadavers.  

    I just find it highly suspicious that Casey is holding out on the police and won't say a thing.  I also believe that the grandmother knows more that what she's saying.

  2. She is not "cut off" she has every opportunity to tell the police what is going on.  She is playing some kind of game and that makes her look guilty. How about protecting the girl from her mother.  Obviously the mother does NOT have the childs best interest at heart seeing as how she lost her a month ago. I find the grandmother suspect too, seems she knows so little about her daughter and the father of Cayley.  The whole thing smells fishy.

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