
What issue in world do you feel is the most pressing? Please present arguments for your case.?

by Guest55845  |  earlier

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What issues should we be working to resolve? How can we improve the world that we live in?




  1. Global warming; the total of a large sum of many small problems.  People need to wake up and smell the roses (quite literally).

  2. Terrorism, one nation domination (although UN exist), and poverty.

    First two feeds each other.

    Third is problem of its own

    We can improve(!) by improving and accepting international morality and law, of course if everybody obey it.

  3. Clearly, terrorism and tyranny are the most pressing problems we face in the world today.

    The goal of terrorists is to establish tyrannical rule, first over the Middle East and later the world.

    Terrorists kill unarmed civilians daily in various parts of the world and plot to kill more in other parts of the world.  Fortunately our law enforcement agencies have defeated many of these plots.  Our military continues to tie down and defeat terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq.  And yes, despite the media, we are doing good things there, militarily and in humanitarian actions.

    Terrorism is both pressing (immediate) and a long term problem (decades).  Global warming would be considered a long term problem.

    In dealing with terrorism and tyranny, it requires a strong will and commitment to stand firm against evil doers.  Take a look on the blog below to see the actions of terrorists worldwide in the last 24 hours.  If you can defend those actions, I truly feel sorry for your lack of morals.  If you can deny the need to take military action against them, I feel sorry for your neighbors.

  4. Ok this might seem dumb in comparison with other issues but why do people think heavy metal music is satanic? I turned a heavy metal music on the t.v and my mom starts preaching to me and says its satanic its the devils work it just got me so angry. Just because they scream does not mean that it is satanic. Just because they wear masks does not mean there satanic. People. Oh yea the song was 1200 by Mushroomhead

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