
What issue is most important to you?

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And how do the candidates stands on those issues effect who you are voting for?

Mine are:

Education - I really disagree with McCain wanting privatized education and vouchers. I think public education is one of the things that make this country great.

Taxes - I think Obama's idea of taxing the rich more and giving relief to the poor is nice in theory, but is really unfair and unrealistic

War - I don't want this war to keep going on forever, and I wish we hadn't gotten ourselves into this mess in the first place. However, Obama again has an unrealistic plan for our troops removal, which may cause more damage in the end.

Abortion - I am more with McCain on the subject. I think abortion should be the last resort in cases of rape or danger to either the mother or child.

This is why I don't know who to vote for. I am surprised that so many people see this election as black/white or should I say blue/red when there are so many purple issues.




  1. Education is my #1 issue.I like Obama's thoughts on it. I hope he brings Richardson in on this.  

  2. The economy and housing. Poverty and homelessness. Fair wages and job security. Affordable health care and prescription drugs.

  3. I am just for the government staying out (for the most part) in our lives.

    The war in Iraq is costing billions a month. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that will cause a trickle down to the American taxpayer. We didn't invade the right country , anyway.

    Abortion- Wildflower- what you are speaking about IS pro-choice. The choice to abort in a worst case scenario. If you make abortion illegal- no one will be able to get one- unless you go through mountains of paperwork to PROVE that you were raped. There are other situations that make having an abortion the best choice. You never know what someone has gone through. BTW- I am pro-choice NOT pro-abortion. I strongly  disagree with someone using abortion for birth control.

    And whether or not Obama's plan for withdrawal in Iraq is not completely valid- at least he wants to work in that direction.

    McCain is just interested in keeping the war going, and keep all of his military buddies employed.

  4. My biggest concerns are the economy and gas prices (which are kind of tied together).  

  5. Education-I think the public education system is terrible in this country and I hope for a dramatic change.  I would never put my child in a public school for fear of her safety, what she would be exposed to, & what she wouldn't learn.  

    Taxes-I believe that taxation is slavery.  If you understand that your income is your labor in financial form and that income is forcibly taken from you and someone else benefits from your labor without your permission you would understand that income taxation is slavery.  It is immoral to take from the "rich" to give to the "poor"  why should our things be stolen from us and give to others who didn't earn it?  Slavery!

    War- I hate that we're at war but Obama's plan is unrealistic and I hate that he would sit and talk with terrorists.  (let alone the fact that he's friends with terrorists)

    Abortion-life begins at conception.  abortion is murder.  It just is and you'll never convince me otherwise so don't try.  less that .3 % of abortions performed in this country are a result of incest or rape.  I also believe abortion started as a plan for genocide to wipe out non white people.  That's what planned parenthood founder wanted.  An all white america and have you noticed that a lot of abortion clinics are in places where minorities live?  It's because I truly believe that's still a mission of planned parenthood.  Google it.  It's crazy how it all aligns with n**i germany beliefs.  

  6. Foreign policy.

    I like both Barack Obama and John McCain. As an independent, I think they are two of the best candidates either party has come up with in a very long time. Both candidates have a number of valid points on many issues. I believe they would both be successful presidents in their domestic policies although they plan to go about the issues in different ways. But where McCain fails completely and where Obama really succeeds is foreign policy. The Bush Administration's greatest blunders were terrible foreign policy decisions. The Bush Doctrine itself is total BS. McCain may not be the exact same politician as Bush, but his foreign policy is almost identical. That's a major reason why I'm going to vote for Obama.

  7. finally a intelligent question i agree with you 100 percent both obama and mccain have there good points and bad points but in this time of war i would rather have a veteran in the white house who knows how to deal with war so i am going for mccain at this time  

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