
What issues are important to you?

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What issues will you vote for in the next presidential election.




  1. Cutting back military spending, personal freedom (end PATRIOT Act, wiretapping, etc.), get out of Iraq, end torture (America is better than that).

  2. Global Warming but this this and other issues could be made into one compact one through Solar Power Socialism. This is a way to adress  Global Warming,poverty, and the concern about the economy at the same time. This would mean a person could help Society end poverty.

  3. Repeal of the PATRIOT act and all the other unconstitutional legislation of recent years, restoration of our civil rights, tax reform, health care.  We need a President who, when the USA is attacked, nukes the attackers instead of spying on Americans.

  4. Foreign policies

  5. The survival and advancement of the little ones in time.

    Not short term gain with long term loss.

    What will happen in time?

    When one age with time and the little ones could not survive out there in the real world.?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Correct the mess first.

    Then solve  the needs with time.

    What is "Here today and gone tomorrow"?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  6. Supporting our troops, foreign policies, & health-care.

  7. Definitely the economy, healthcare, immigration, Iraq, and g*y rights.


  9. no issue

  10. Abortion

    Health care


    Economic Policy

    not in that order.

  11. Affordable health care for all, a better fair tax system not what we have now, pull out of Iraq soon, get rid of unions that have caused the increase in wages to the point that manufacturing has been destroyed, bring back manufacturing to the U.S. a strong manufacturing country is a strong country for all, not the office crowd we have collar is a winner in a free country..none of the canidates are strong  on any of this

  12. I want a candidate who will eliminate 90% of non-military, non-judiciary government workers.  The goverment is far too large, and most employees are very lazy, grossly overpaid, and really don't do anything.   I've seen this first hand, and is very common.  

    Besides Cops, Military, and D.O.T..we need to seriously cut back on pointless inefficient government services that are bleeding our economy dry.

  13. First off the economy

    In the economy we need to deal with the war on terror, its like the war on drugs, oh yeah we need to get rid of that too. Get off oil and create a logical solution.

    Energy-whats wrong with using technology we already have panels, wind generators, and hydro electricity.

    Human Rights

    Scientific Research

    Public Education

    Americas Defense, not Iraq, S. Korea, or any other foriegn country, although i do believe we need strongholds in other countries. Japan and Germany should be good enough.

    The IQ of the next persident

    Tax Reform- I like the fair tax plan

    A diplomatic take over of Mexico

    Repealing such things that tend to frustrate the first 10 Ammendments.

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