
What issues should receive the most attention this election season?

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Any thoughts on this question also?;_ylt=AiR.FfsjiiYdXgavpEsxAMXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080903054314AAXjsYS




  1. Immigration and abortion.

  2. At the moment I would say the economy.

    Both Candidates seem h**l bent on spending obscene amounts of money that just isn't available.

    So trying to balance the budget seems paramount .... after that they can have a look at how to realize their pet plans.

  3. war


    g*y marriage



    however our liberal media instead would rather focus on the fact that conservatives sometimes have teen children who have s*x-oh the humanity!

  4. getting rid of jerry springer throwback democrats!

    for me national security and the economy.

    because its the economy with me is why I can NOT vote obama.

    Obama when running against hillary says this...

    "Hillary wasnt to put a winfall tax on the oil compaines! We ALL know what happens when you tax ANY company, they pass it onto you and YOU pay the tax anyway!!!"

    NOW he wants to tax all these companies? and out of his own mouth, the cost will get passed on and you will pay it anyway!

    How will that help the economy?

    you cant say he wont tax us, because by taxing the rich, "who are rich because they own business's" the tax for them will be passed to you.

    heres obama saying he knows his tax plan will hurt the economy even more.

  5. -economy, taxes & out of control federal spending


    -illegal immigration & securing our borders

    -excessive federal regulation

    -social security & medicare

    -health care

    -did I say taxes?

  6. The economy should absolutely be the foremost issue. Every other issue is dependent on attention to the economy. For example, funding for the war, funding for health care, funding for schools .......and on and on.

  7. The Economy

    Gas Prices/Energy

    Keeping America Safe/War on Terror

    Exiting Iraq w/Honor

    Affordable Healthcare

  8. Controlling runaway government spending

    Cutting Taxes

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