
What isthe rule for taking quick line outs in rugby union please?

by  |  earlier

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when the ball goes into touch and you see players just pass it in what are the rules on that. for example when can you pass and when do you have to do a proper line out.




  1. what out about a line out to yourself?

  2. It has to be the same ball and cannot have touched a spectator and has to be taken before the lineout is formed.

  3. Usually, quick line out is used when the opposition kicks the ball deep into enemiy territory and fails to follow the kick up. Thus allowing the receiving team with the ball to do a quick line out immediately as the ball goes out of play. However, what governs the quick line outs is that u must pass it straight or back to one of your players. Also, the ball must travel at least 5 metres for it to be counted as a quick line out, same rule that also governs the full line out.

    However, the MOST important rule that you must remember when excuting a quick line out for it to work is that you must use the SAME ball that was kicked out to touch and that NO ONE is allowed touch the ball once the ball goes out of play. Thus if someone, say the ball boy, ref, players touch the ball when it goes out of play and then gives it back to the playing player so that he could execute a quick line out, it is deemed that the ball is dead and that full line out must proceed. If someone tries to do a quick line out in this situation, the ref or the sideline ref will inform the ref to call play back for a full line out.

    I hope that clear things up with the quick line out option.

    It is normally used to speed the game up, to tire opposition players, most of all the fowards.

  4. well a quick lineout is as you say pass it to another player when they are in is usually taken when one of the opossite players kick the ball deep into touch.then your winger or fullback (but it could be anybody) would pass it to one of there fellow teammates.the reason they do that is so the momentum keeps going and the other team cant compete for the ball.for the quick lineout the player you are going to pass to has to be 5 metres from you and you must throw it can do a quick lineout whenever you like but is usually done when the oposite kicker kicks it usually do a proper lineout when the oposite team are near where the ball wnt out to touch.look at this clip.

  5. A quick pass just has to go five metres in field and can be taken from anywhere behind where the ball went out i.e. where the lineout would be and the try line of the team whose lineout it would be.

    It can be taken when a lineout has not formed. A lineout is formed when two or more players from both teams are standing in a vicinity of where the ball went into touch.

    Example: If there are two players from one team and one from  the other, you can take the quick throw in (but it is not advisable tactically).

    Also, you can only take a quick throw in if the ball has not touched a person or object outside the field of play (excluding the player who took the ball into touch.) You may see a player being tackled and forced into touch. This player may then throw the ball at a billboard, a member of his team or a ballboy, or they might hold it out to a spectator to touch. This prevents the team from taking a quick lineout.

    The ball must also be the same ball that was kicked out.

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