
What it means a penny stocks trading?

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What it means a penny stocks trading?




  1. It means you'll never get anywhere...why do you think they're called penny stocks?

  2. Join a website like, they will show you about trading penny stocks.

  3. Cheap stocks! You try to buy them at their very bottom price, betting they won't go belly up. So say you buy a stock that normally runs about $75.00 a share, but because of some rough times it's now at $2.50 a share. Now you think it's a good stock, so you buy 1000 share at $2.50 a share spending $2,500.00. Okay hears where you make the money. The stock starts claiming back up & reaches $80.00 a share, so you sell thinking it's at its top.  You just made $77,500.00, maybe in less than a year. Or you may loss a $2,500.00 investment. Never invest more than you are willing to loose. Penny stocks can & do yell high returns, but you have to keep a watch on them daily. Good luck.

  4. i think penny stocks are just parts of shares where multiple investors pool their money to complete the share (probably by an online brokerage firm). but i could be wrong

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