I was just wondering what it means to be Pakistani and living in Canada how do we prioritise our cultural values and patriotism? Pakistani immigrants in the UK are frowned upon for their conservative ideologies and segregative nature and for their complete disregard for British values....(according to the white Britons)
Is it the same in Canada? do we Pakistani's have a ghetto mentality, furthermore what does it mean to be a Proud Pakistani... from a regional perspective we have fought wars with two of our neighbours and well Iran was on the brink of war just a few years back. Besides China and a few Gulf states we really don't have an ally, we are consumed with sectarian and regional violence, the minorities representing the "white" in our flag feel oppressed, the rich and the elite live a life of luxury whilst the majority of the country suffers...
is the picture really this gloomy or are we just going through a phase... is there any real hope for us?