
What it takes to be in a h.s volleyball team?

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i wanna try out for the varsity volleyteam next year..n im tryna work out this summer..get some arm muscles...i was just wonderin wat should i expect at the tryouts? please n thank u =]




  1. are you barely entering highschool? if so..i suggest you don't try out for varsity..h.s vball is overly competitive and freshman and jv year would be all the fun..varsity year is so much pressure to place into the championship adn so much more work and stuff just to win..if you wanna play for fun i suggest you don't choose varsity..of course arm muscls aren't going to cut it mate..sure it will help in the long run, but you need to also work on your legs..seriously..legs play a huge role in vball..good some squats..

  2. Try outs, never had to worry about those, put my name on the page and bang the number one setter. Every time all the time.

    But if you're looking to make an impact, be eager to learn and disregard everything you think you know about volleyball. Coaches like to see players who are willing to play their system and not something else they've learned from elementary school.

    If you're looking to do some off season training, work on you foot speed and core strength. Having top notch hand eye co-ordination is also a must.

    The most important thing is a willingness to learn and the desire to win.

  3. You should expect a lot of competition and politics. Just try your best and have fun. Who knows, you might make the team.

  4. Your agility will matter a lot.

    Take a beginner class in ballet and it will help a lot.


  5. B sure u can do an overhand serve, jump high, and have a good attitude! I don't know what to expect since I have my try-out too this summer, but just make sure you practice alot.  Good luck!

  6. First off, trying out for high school teams usually doesn't involve you trying out for a particular level. You go in with all of the rest of the girls, and they put you through a series of tests, most of which, are based off an individual level.  Later on in the tryouts you will be put together with other players in order to not only show what volleyball skills you know and are good at, but also what kind of a teamate you might be, and what kind of leader.   You try out for the program, not the team.  After tryouts is when the teams are divided up, and from there you see what team you are on.  If you have J.V., a "C" team, or even a freshman team, you could make either of them.

    Secondly, do hit the weightroom, but don't just work on your arm strength, work on your leg as well as your core strength too. Volleyball is a lot more about using your abdominal muscles than most people think.  Work on jumping exercises too.  Start out on jumping onto a small box, and as you feel yourself getting stronger, move up to larger boxes.  Do plenty of lunges, and jump rope as well.  Even just jumping up and down in place would be a good work out.  Work on your foot speed in there too. Back and forth over a line, and side to side, trying to get fast and faster for intervals of 20 seconds each, then increase to 30 seconds.  

    Another thing you will be watched for is whether or not you have the attitude that your coach is looking for.  Often times, it is not necessarily the best players who are chosen for the varsity team, but those who are athletic, and come with a good attitude of willing ready to learn.  Be a leader on and off the court too.  Volunteer to demonstrate if you feel confident in doing it.  And lastly, don't let people intimidate you. The only one who can intimidate you is yourself, go out and have fun, and be confident in your ablities, and walk away being able to know that you gave it your matter what team you end up on.  Either way, you are going to have a great experience being part of a team, you'll get to varsity, sometimes it just takes a couple years. Oh, and participate in your school's volleyball camp if they have one and it is not too late to sign up.

    Good luck!

  7. I've played high school volleyball for 3 years now, 2 being on the JV team, but we practiced with our varsity team a lot, and their coach helped us a lot also.  You need to show a good amount of hustle and enthusiasm.  Never give up!  Give everything your all, and lastly, DO NOT COMPLAIN! Anyone that complained on our team was punished with some sort of basketball suicide (running drill) or with pushups.  All-in-all, just try your hardest.  That way, if you don't make the team, you'll know you gave it your best shot and that should keep you satisfied.

  8. You can expect some a lot of competition. If you've never played volleyball i suggest you tryout for JV instead of varisty.. Study volleyball and maybe go to volleyball camp over the summer at like a local college or recreational center. Make sure you get in shape over the summer. Do lunges, squats, run, do whatever you can to get your legs strong. Get your abs strong as well as your arms.

  9. Ok! 1st talk to someone who has palyed before and  see how tryouts go!!

    2nd know the rules

    3rd get someone to help you if you need it

    4th dont be afarid to ask questions at tryouts

    5th GOOD LUCK! oh and HAVE FUN!!!!

  10. know the game and rules, determination, always listen to the coach, overall, do your best! good luck!

  11. a lot of hard work and determination would be really helpful and any thing you can do to get yourself in shape will also help

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