
What it was like to post as a feminist in the Women's Studies forum before blocking/reporting was added?

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Or what was it like when you first started posting in the forum after it was called the Gender and Women's Studies (GWS) YA forum when blocking could easily be gotten around; and reporting didn't work very well?

Or what was it like when you first started posting in GWS no matter how long ago?




  1. Girl Power

  2. Reporting was always an option

    Before the name was changed to GWS, nearly every third question was "Why is it women's studies and not men's studies? Isn't this sexist?"

    I don't block, so there is no difference for me as far as that feature is concerned.

    There are more similarities than differences..bitterness, passionate feuds, ruffled feathers, and established friendships are inevitable when dealing with such a controversial, emotionally charged issue such as gender studies

  3. That would have been in the days when the 'girl power' dingdongs were still in their nappies.

  4. I wasn't here before that. I only recently a few months ago got an account, but I can imagine as another user said that it was girl power!

    Vincent T... go use your c**k to wet yourself with com stains, ooh sorry, went a little too far there, huh?

  5. f u ck u girls can do much better then men

  6. Well i joined a long time time back when this was just womens studies.

    The discussions then were amazingly chregd with emotion and there were epic battles yet there were also strong boinds of friendship forged.

    I have friends form those days like Rio Maderia and Wendyg and Flyinghorse.

    There was a craze then with debates.

    Ironically for much of the feminist bashing that goes on here this section was changed to Gender and woimens studies on the the initiative and support that also came from feminists.

    It was then like wild west with duels and long drawn out pitched batrtles but also some very intense and emotional moments as well.

  7. If I'm a guy, but I'm an MTF transsexual, who thinks women deserve more power than they have, does that make me a feminist.  And as the others have said, GIRL POWER!  And when I first started posting here, it was kind of fun, but I wish people would post more questions to answer.  There just aren't enough questions here.  I didn't start posting here until a couple of days ago.

  8. Reporting has always been here (at least since summer of '06, but probably always).

    When I joined, the site (YA, not just this forum) was filled with sludge.

    Over time, they've vastly improved it by really enforcing the Guidelines.

    Part of the problem is that a lot of people would be better off at a site suited to their purposes, such as socialing, or just posting their views, or debating (none of which are what this question-and-answer site are for).

    I've not been on much lately, but I gather there's been a lot of reporting. IF you're familiar with the Guidelines, and you've gotten reported for legitimate posts, then appeal. That's the only way for YA to know there are bogus reporters.

    You might have to appeal twice (my sense is they don't even read the first appeal) -- explain how what you posted didn't violate this or that specific rule, and why.

    I have the impression that YA has been focussing effort on first this then that category of the site.

    A couple of months ago, for instance, News & Current Events was Chat-O-Rama -- then there were a lot of complaints about "bogus" reports (that were really legimitate, it's just that people had been getting away with their abuses). After that, the category seemed to become an actual Q&A site -- not a cliquey, club of chat and ranting and insulting each other.

    Maybe that's what's happening here.

    Abide by the Guidelines, report abuses, and appeal bogus abuses.

    If you want to see what a site with no guidelines looks like, go here:

    It was started by disgruntled ex-members of YA, and modeled after it, but has no guidelines. It's nothing but mindless chat and other sludge.

    YA is MUCH better since they got serious about enforcing their perfectly reasonable Guidelines.

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