
What it your Favourite Colour??

by  |  earlier

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Mines Magenta? im interested in what some of your unique colours!!!




  1. Green

  2. red or black...

  3. Anything grayish in color

  4. cyan, dunno why, just do. regular blue seems too generic

  5. the world would be pink if it were up to me

  6. teal... but im weird cuz i like colors because of fashion like i loved the colors pink and brown for a while cuz they went so well together now i like teal cuz it looks awesome on me  

  7. whatever color in interested in at the moment...

    at the moment its black.. and neon green.

  8. Orange! i'm obsessed with it! bright spunky neonish orange! i dont like burnt orange though. i've loved it forever.  everything i own is orange.

  9. Mine is actually a neon color also. Well two. Neon purple and pink.

  10. Silver

  11. purple =]

  12. Purple and Red

  13. blue lol

  14. Platinum is THE greatest color on Earth.

  15. purple

  16. yellow

  17. sky blue

  18. white, the absence of colors.  

  19. Red, and I adore natural red hair (which is really kinda orange-ish)

  20. i like teal =D

  21. Well, I am not british, so I do not have a favorite 'colour'.

    My favorite color, however, is maroon.

  22. Purple.

    Like a deep, royal purple.

    Not the lavendar.

    The royal purple is the color of my bedspread, sooo pretty

  23. I have lots of favorites, but if I absolutely have to choose it's a very pale delicate yellow right now.

  24. pink and black

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