
What item should celebs autograph for charity auction?

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I'm working on an auction to raise funds for the local animal rescue. I know that a rescue once sent wooden cutouts of dog bones to celebrities and had them decorate/sign them. They had an amazing turn out. What is something we can do of that nature (that is not copying their idea) to raise some money? We just need a creative idea of something that could be mailed to celebrities that they could sign/decorate/make their own.




  1. Decorate T-Shirts That are in Really big size(that way people can keep them longer.),Then sign it.I did it once people Love it.Its not the most creative but it is worth a try.

  2. How about just give away one million dollars. They can autograph each bill if they wish. It's hard for me to believe that it would hurt there pocket books that much. It's like asking a billionaire to give a million dollars away for a good cause. I know it sounds ridiculous but when you understand that they can use it for a tax right off,  it almost seems that greed of money has gotten to them all.

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