
What items sell the best on Ebay in the UK?

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What items sell the best on Ebay in the UK?




  1. Hanbags do well especially designer labels, perfume does well, so does any unusual collectables

  2. Top searches should give an idea, and they are:

    1. wii

    2. nintendo wii

    3. xbox 360

    4. psp

    5. ps3

    6. ipod

    7. e bay

    8. nintendo ds

    9. laptop

    10. high school musical

    Which just goes to show that another answerer was spot-on about the wii. It also shows that people in the UK on ebay are confused, and do not realise that they're already on ebay (number 7), or indeed how to spell it. Stupid Brits.

    Going through reviews (see this link) should reveal "the most popular products", but I got a bit lazy at this point and started thinking about lunch, I admit.

  3. Designer items, for example: Stella McCartney clothes, handbags, scarves, shoes and other things.

  4. wii fit!

  5. Hi Emma,

    It depends whether you're just starting out or are a bit more experienced...

    For start-ups I recommend getting onto the info product business - little start up costs and you can sell loads of cheep stuff gathering good amount of feedback for you as a seller.

    But definitely the best eBay selling items are HOT products - iPods, game consoles, DVDs and Blu Ray movies, and other consumer electronics.

    Contrary to what some might tell you - getting in this market is MUCH easier than finding your perfect little niche. Why?

    Simply because there's a huge demand after such items and if you know how to present the listings the right way for the best performance - you'll be LIGHT YEARS ahead of your competitors.

    If you want to get a free video course about eBay selling - use the first link below.

    To find how to EXACTLY source hot selling eBay items and sell them for the best profits possible - check out the second link below. You'll get loads of free eBay product sourcing info as well!

  6. Wii and designer handbags, name brands always sells good.

    Don't forget all the heavy hitters are selling the same stuff so you will have a battle on your hands to make serious money.

    good luck

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