
What items should I take on an anthropological expedition...?

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0 LIKES UnLike Basildon in Essex? I am planning to study the Chav community. I understand their social norms are of interest to science. I am hoping to blend in rather like Diane Fosse with gorillas. How should I dress and behave so as to fit in?




  1. I should stay well away but if you must take care by handing them Heroin this will keep the ones in caravans sufficiently doped for your exploration, of there distinctly poorly pronounced vocabulary. Only, don't hang around when they start coming down unless you want a good mugging so do not wear jewels nor mobiles. Tag yourself before hand and inform local police of your whereabouts since they will not have the power to trace Chav home, but will be able to retrieve your body, ahem! I mean your good self, should you go missing for too long.

  2. well I had to study that one. lol. great question. You can check out the link below and scroll down to the post 19 April 10:27.  

    This describes Chavs  as that person sees it and tells what they wear etc.  I learn something new every day. Have fun and stay safe. :-) ma

  3. Maybe pull your hair back the tightest you can into a pony-tail by use of a scrunchy so to show off your extra large gypsy style gold hooped earrings (12.99 Argos) slap greasy look gel onto it for that slimey touch. Wear the most blingiest stick on finger nails and as many argos gold rings you can fit on each finger. Complete the look with Kacca sports wear and pure white hot trainers.

    I think you will have to attract them with some car alarm music and a KFC bargain bucket, and behave odd.

    I look forward to checking this documentary out whatever you do make sure you are carrying a tranquilizer gun in case they try to get over familiar with you.

  4. ooh Felicity you will need to wear burberry sweetheart and a cap is essential and don`t forget the medallion ! Bling is a must ! Wear 8 sovereign rings and if you want to be super chavish get rings for your thumbs too ..

  5. The primary concern must be the dress sense...

    To fully blend in you must wear a WHITE shell suit...

    Oh and have one of the servants pick up something cheap from Elizabeth Duke.

    Good luck and BE CAREFUL. its a dangerous world out there!


  6. Perhaps you can find more information about the causes of the teenage pregnancy, delinquency and alcoholism that plague low income "chav" areas instead of criticizing how they dress and act.

  7. You will need a support group with previous experience to get you through this.  Suggested members are Jeremy Kyle, Trisha Goddard … but on second thoughts, the cure could be worse than the problem.  Dian Fossey, with her experience of gorillas,  really is your expert in this area.  

    “As she was sitting among them one day, a young male she’d named Peanuts came over and touched her.  Campbell caught the encounter on film and later said the experience for Fossey was ‘almost overwhelming.’”

    Sounds rather exciting.

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