
What job can i get when im 13 from england?

by  |  earlier

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just to earn some money for a new motobike thankyou.




  1. sell all your mum and dads stuff on ebay

  2. paper round?!

    There are some boys in my village that earn moey knocking on peoples doors and offering to mow the lawn, walk he dog, wash the car etc...

  3. You could deliver newspapers or get a saturday job working in a shop.

  4. paper round. thats about it

  5. untill you get your national insurnace number at 16 all you can do it get wet doing a paper round or wash the streets cars lmao...have fun....well done you though for wanting a job. you will regret it lmao oj

  6. paper round, go to ur local newsagents for vacancies. Even better i think chimney sweepers are highly vacant positions. selling lemonade,cleaning windows,washing cars, if ur really clever u cld set up a shopping delievery service for elderly/disabled people, this cld be done by goin around and asking elderly people whether they wld like to use you as a delivery guy. But i think chimney sweeper IS YOUR BEST BET! or goat hurder or cow-jerker. buying and selling through ebay is another option.

  7. paper round thats about it

  8. Mate the question itself is refreshing!


    Paper round


    Riding Stables

    Washing cars

    car boot - collect peoples c**p bric a brac.

    Good luck chick x hard work works xx

    I really hope you get your bike buddy

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