
What job can my 10 year old son get so he can stop asking me for money?

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What job can my 10 year old son get so he can stop asking me for money?




  1. papper boy

  2. none.  just because he asks doesn't mean that you have to give the money to him.

  3. They can be chores. But ones set by you. Not ones he decides to do spontaneously. My son does that. It needs to be chores other than ones that should be expected of him. He should already be cleaning his room and doing his homework. It should be something that he has to work at.... clean the garage, clean the windows on the outside

    Basically, it shouldn't be an every day chore.

  4. Walking dogs, doing yardwork, running small errands for neighbors, door to door car washing.

  5. 9 year old daughter is capable of and intermittently does the following chores:  Wash the dogs, wash the windows, clean the litter box, vacuum, dust, mop, clean the bathroom with soap and water, sweep the front walkway, fold and hang laundry, clean her room or assist her sister's in cleaning their rooms, clean the leather sofas, wash the car, unload groceries from the car, organize various things (books, Cd's, DVDs), take out the trash, read to her little sister...

    She does not get an allowance for doing these things on a per item basis.  She sometimes has to do these things because they are her responsibility as a member of our family and she earns allowance by doing these things with and without being asked and NOT COMPLAINING regardless of whether or not she may or may not get paid.

  6. None. He's too young according to child labor laws. The only thing I suppose he could do would be things like walking a neighbors dog, shoveling snow, raking leaves for neighbors.

  7. My son had a paper route at 10, but it was just a once a week type paper, so it was easier on him...the problem was that I was the one always helping deliver the papers...After working all day, the LAST thing I wanted to do was deliver papers, so I decided I would rather just give him the money!

  8. if you don't have money to give an allowance, the usual: mowing lawns, weeding gardens, raking leaves, shoveling snow(sesonal stuff); maybe he can help the elderly in the area with trash/laundry/meals etc.

  9. He could walk a neighbor's dog.

  10. He's 10. Be a good parent make him do some chores and pay him!

  11. maybe he could do some chores around the house or mow some yards.  Maybe he could help out at a church cleaning or something.

  12. you can pay him to do some vacuming and some dusting.. he can sweep .. he can help clean up after dinner... give him an allowance of $6 or $7 dollars a week every friday... and when he sees something he wants he can save up his money.. teaches him responsibility and how to save money...

  13. in my town ur not aloud to even have a job til ur 14.

    but anyway petsitting, working at public libraries.

    give him an allowance. i get 7 dollars a week. a dollar a day.

  14. he's too young for a job. you need to give him jobs around the house and pay him an allowance. It was also show him responsibility so that hes ready to have a job when the time comes. Don't give him money, make him work for might sound mean but he needs to be ready for the real world sooner or later right?

  15. Chores around the house.

    My grand daughters have been doing the following for the last 5 years (they are 9 and twins at 11); keep room clean, make beds, put clothes away, set table for meals, clean table off after meals, help with the meals, load dish washer, unload dish washer, dust, sweep, vacuum, home work and pick up dog p**p.

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