
What job could i get wehn i move to Barcelona?

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Im movnig to Barcelona next year to improve my level of spanish. I speak well im almost fluent but ive heard it can be hard finding work in Spain. What would you recomend i look for?




  1. I recommend you finding an English teaching school before you go...  but if that doesn't work, cuz I just came from Spain for a few months and I know it can be hard, but you can make friends and try to get some kind of job teaching english privately. Push come to shove though, you could work at a bar until you find something else!

  2. Well if you want to move to Barcelona , Start off by Learning Catalan. This is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Important since many people here speak catalan only.. don´t get me wrong Barcelona is a Bilingual city But Catalan is very important ..

    Believe me I should know..

    Take care,


  3. Economy is turning bad in Spain right now and finding a job might become more difficult. But working in a bar should be ok, otherwise english teaching job .. check - some good advise on this subject.

    try also - there are some english speaking call center jobs.

    good luck

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