
What job do wasps do for the enviroment?

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What job do wasps do for the enviroment?Bees pollenate the plants and make Honey etc.Spiders eat flys and small bugs to help us.What helpful things do wasps do for us and the area we live in?




  1. Wasps eat bugs that could destroy crops.  

  2. They are completely useless. Makes you wonder what God was thinking.

  3. well they save tree from been eat by a cartpillar so the we could have oxygen n aslo with out them there be no vegetables for us to eat,

  4. It's a secret. Same as earwigs jobs.

  5. they sting you for the h**l of it

  6. Wasps are critically important in natural biocontrol. Almost every pest insect species has at least one wasp species that is a predator or parasite upon it. Parasitic wasps are also increasingly used in agricultural pest control as they have little impact on crops. Wasps also constitute an important part of the food chain.

  7. they make you g*y

  8. They hurt us...

  9. They sting you, thats always fun lol.

  10. Wasp eat butterfly larve.

  11. chase little kids.

  12. Nothing,they just give wasp spray manufactures a job

  13. No idea, but this may help you!

  14. I read that wasps are pest control, they kill other pesky bugs and small critters.

  15. They break down and help to recycle rotten wood

  16. Hi Paul ,

    Most wasp species are predators. Their function is in the control of many other insect species. They are actually very effective parasitoids, and because of this efficiency they have been used for decades as biological control agents. Many crop pests including horn worms and scale insects which cost millions of pounds in annually controlled by wasps. Without these predators, tomatoes, oranges, tobacco, and many other important crops would be so scarce that the price of them would skyrocket. Their method of efficiency is that they will lay one egg on the back of a caterpillar, through the process of polyembrony, the egg multiplies itself, producing hundreds of larvae. These larvae hatch, kill the caterpillar, and pupate. Once development completed, the newly formed wasps will emerge and go out in search of their own caterpillar to deposit eggs on.

    So next time you see a wasp learn to love it.

  17. They lay eggs in the bodies of certain species of caterpillar, keeping their population under control.  Without them, there would be too many caterpillars and no leaves left!

  18. They sting retards who flap their hands at them. It's nature's way of punishing stupidity and rewarding intelligence.

  19. Nothing except give me a pain in the ar$e. I can't stand the little bleeders.

    I think God was either bevvied or just having a bad day when he made wasps and flies...shudder! shudder!

  20. I would loved to know, i hate those things!


  21. a big fat nothing! they even steal honey from bees!!!!honest

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