
What job do you hate doing around the house?

by Guest62846  |  earlier

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Mine is ironing...




  1. I don't really mind helping out, it's just the two of us so there's not much that needs to be done.

  2. I don't mind the ironing,,it's putting it away afterwards.

    Btw i was answering your last question,,took a while and pressed submit *poof* it had gone..grrrrrrrrr  bloody yapoo.

    my fingers were sore from typin as well :(

    The humour one..the cheery up one.

  3. Throwing out trash!!!

    yuck yuck yuck.

    I wish I had a magic trash can that made all trash disappear as soon as it dropped in.

  4. making the bed

    I have about a thousand pillows and i swear it takes me about an hour to arrange them in a certain way

    I have a spot of OCD when it comes to pillows  

  5. stripping the beds, then putting all the quilt covers back on again, i hate it! i have 3 kids, so i have a few beds to do on a weekly basis. i hate putting clothes away, and really really hate cleaning the cooker!! but i must admit, i always feel so good when its all done!

  6. all of them lol! but Ironing definitely is the worst, i would rather watch paint dry it would be more entertaining lol

  7. dusting, oh the drama of all those particles flying up my nose only to be SNEEZED out 20 minutes later...yech!

  8. I hate masturbating around the house. It's just so disgusting.  

  9. The dishes and helping with the ironing !

  10. Washing dishes, and cleaning the dirty toilet.  Ewww.

  11. De-cluttering. I like things tidy and have to make space for baby, so that means parting with my precious precious junk. I like things with doors on them so you can just shut it and pretend the clutter isn't there....

  12. I can not stand to do laundry,after the machine does it's thing,The sorting,hanging wrinkle release all that c**p.I would gladly pay someone to do this for me.Myself,a 13 yr old,and 18 yr old boy's.

  13. Toilets. You clean them and six months later they need it all over again.

  14. You still iron ..hahaha ..dang I'm lazy...

    I like cleaning with the radio full blast or i wont clean at all...i don't like cleaning the windows  

  15. Cleaning the cooker ahhhh!

    Just had my song for Shady reported! need you ask lol!

  16. hoovering.

  17. hoovering, the d**n thing has a mind of its own, will not pick up all the dust, takes ages, and needs cleaning so often that i am beginning to think it doesn';t like me.  

  18. The cat litter trays, I hate that job!!

  19. I've never minded before, but about ten minutes ago I went to remove one of the big house spiders running across the floor, instead of trying to get away he swung round and bit me, I've got two bite marks between thumb and finger. There's a lot of them around this time of year so this, temporarily, is my least favourite, removing big spiders, the smaller ones are welcome.

  20. I love ironing.

    Does that make me weird?


    In fact, thinking about it I love all types of cleaning, hoovering and dusting.

    But I hate cooking. Hate it. Really, really detest it.

  21. doing the dishes. i don't have a dishwasher, which sucks hard.

    hate ironing too.

  22. Join the club ironing is my pet hate to, soooooooooooo boring.

  23. cleaning the toilet bowl with my tongue.

  24. putting away laundry....but in the end when its all put away and all the chores are house is clean, then i feel good.

  25. Have to agree with you.  A total waste of life!  I loathe and detest ironing with venom!  Life is too short...... I think they should invent disposable clothes!


  26. Putting clothes away!  I have 3 kids and a hubby (well 4 kids ;)   Seems to never get done

  27. Emptying the dishwasher

  28. whats ironing? i hate having to clear the table

    for lunch, it's b bit much that she cant do that :)  

  29. Snap I hate the ironing as well . I would rather scrub a floor LOL

  30. I really like ironing,I always have.I love the smell of newly ironed

    I hate cleaning showers out,I get in a right sweat every time but apart from that I quite like housework as I like things tidy.

  31. Ironing.

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