
What job opportunities are available with a Liberal Arts degree, with a major in Spanish?

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I have a neurological disorder, & it's disabling. So, my GPA was only a 2.3. I'm in the US. I'm not eligible for teacher certification. & I don't have much job experience.




  1. you might try to be an librarian in a spanish speaking neighborhood!!!

  2. All kinds of positions exist in the business world and government that require a bachelor's degree, but not a specific specialty. For many of them, the Spanish will be a plus and for some, it will be a requirement.

    I gather you didn't mention the exact nature of your neurological disability because you don't want people's suggestions to be based on it - but it would help me, at least, to know.

    When you go to any job interview, they will ask about your GPA. If you bring up your disability as the cause, they will want to know how much it will affect your work performance, productivity- and quality-wise. Realistically, this is going to hinder you getting great jobs, at least until you can prove your worth on the job. Then GPA will count less than proven work ability.

    Check out civil service jobs at the Federal, state and county/city/town levels. Often these require only a degree, Spanish is a plus, and maybe doing a civil service test. They make it a priority to hire people with disabilities. Examples of jobs you might look into:

    Caseworker (all kinds of jobs - welfare, child abuse, disability advocacy)

    Parole officer

    Tax processor (remember, state and city as well as IRS)


    Here's a link to Federal job info:

    For state, etc. just google "civil service jobs" <your state>

    Business world:


    Teacher of English as a Second Language (for adults, I don't think you'd need certification - not sure)

    Insurance claims processor (Spanish sure is a plus when you're asking a Spanish-speaking claimant for more info or answering questions)

    Insurance underwriter

    all kinds of administrative & management jobs

    Honestly, it would help to know where your interests lie and what your talents and limitations are.

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