
What job should I aim towards?

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Ok, I really don't know what career path to go down...

My strongest points are:

I can speak Spanish

Good at writing and English

Enjoy music and fashion

Love sports, espcially skiing and tennis

I'm quite shy, but creative, and enjoy working both alone and in groups. I'm a clever person, and I know I can achieve anything I want.

Any ideas? :)





  1. Be a Fashion Designer or Magazine Editor.

  2. *******

  3. Be an interpreter.  You can translate for Spanish and English.

  4. maybe journalism

  5. The one that gives you the most money and the one you like best!

  6. Why don't you become an au pair.  Then you can travel and meet some people and maybe you can come across a career that you want to pursue.  Some people just don't know what they want to do until they get some work experience.  Don't go into anything just because you want to make money if you are not going to be happy as well.  It is better to wait to decide what you want to do than pressure yourself into making a choice that you might later regret.  Give yourself some time.  The language courses will really help you if you want to au pair, even if you just do it for a year or two until you do decide what you want to do.  Also, if you are still at school and want to make your subject choices,  I am going to give you the same advice my sister gave me while I was at school and I did not know what I wanted to do.  Take Mathematics, English, and Science, and possibly Biology if you feel you might want to go into the medical field.  These are the main subjects you need for any university degree.  If you do this later you can study for any course you want to and you will know that you have you have the right subjects to be accepted for any of the courses.  There are also files that your school might have that might help you choose what career path you might want follow, it gives you a description of the job and tells you what you need to study to achieve these goals.  Most universities have these files too.

    Good luck

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