
What jobs, other than counseling, am I qualified for?

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I have a M.S. in Counseling, a B.S. in Psychology, and minors in Mass Communications and Sociology. I am contemplating a career change and would like to know what some possible options may be for me. Thanks for your advice.




  1. Some fab jobs you might like and be qualified for are: Life Coach, Public Relations, Business Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Human Resources, and there are probably lots of others. Try the free career quiz at at which also has guides on how to get started in any of those careers.

  2. I need more information -- what can you *do*? What has been your work and volunteering experience to date?

    Degrees are great, but without knowing the answers to the above, I couldn't give you decent advice.  

  3. To qualify for teaching college you need to have additional hours past your masters.  Some colleges might not require this but check it out anyway.  Could be you could start teaching counseling instead of being a counselor.  

    Also, schools are crying out for school psychologists, K4 through 12th grade.  

    Careers in communications may include: journalist, reporter, correspondent, editor, writer, newscaster, columnist, commentator, copy writer, managing editor, news analyst, media producer, technical writer, and many others.

    Also, have you thought about being a guidance counselor or life coach?  With your background in communications and then in being a therapist, this should go hand in hand.  

  4. You could be a college professor.        That's a fun job.

    You could also be a social worker; but I wouldn't recommend that on the count of low pay & dealing with crazy people.

    Why wouldn't you want to be a counselor?  That sounds like a very pleasant job to have.

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