
What jobs am i disqualified for in the coast guard?

by  |  earlier

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I too my physical today and it turns out im "color blind" i got a 7\14 on the color book test, they gave me the fallant test, with the 2 little lights and 3 diff colors... i passed that with no errors at all, i was planning on going to AST A-School for the coast guard. what are my chances of still doing this? does anyone know what jobs i still qualify for? and how bad is my color blindness... will they really care that much? i know im not bad at all... my asvab score was 76 with really high math scores, my recruiter said i qualify for any job i want...




  1. You need to talk to your recuiter

  2. I think you need normal color perception to qualify to be a rescue swimmer.

  3. You need to go talk with your recruiter about this and find out the specific requirements for A-School are.  I know that usually anything regarding flight require normal or near normal color vision.

    Don't get disheartened if you have next to normal color vision with a few small errors.  Usually that is overlooked unless you want to be a pilot.  However if you are looking to be a rescue swimmer you may still qualify.

    In the end only the doctors and recruiters can tell you exactly what you were disqualified from.

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