
What jobs are available for a 13 year old?

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What jobs are available for a 13 year old?




  1. Let me ask you this. Can you juggle?

  2. No "real" jobs. You have to be 16 to work as a waiter or in any type of store.

    Try out babysitting, or mowing lawns.

    I know that's not a really fun job, but everyone had to wait until they were 16, and you will too. But it will happen before you know it!

  3. well i would talk to your school guidance counciler maybe they have something in mind or you can start something new threw the school where a bunch of you work start small and talk to your parents or another adult you trust

  4. hello my name is Ryan i am 13 too and if you need a job like for this summer iget one like at a park like the one i am getting i will be a work at the poor and i will get to swim and eat for free so i will get to have fun on my job...but you can walk dogs i do this too i walk dogs around my gf house i walk dogs for 20$ a dog and i make about 200 $ week so i have fun doing that too or you can cut grass or wash cars i did all this before and i had fun

  5. newspaper delevery person

  6. Paper rounds and all that are just cheap slave work, before your eligible for minnimum wage your best bet is to work for family/friends, baby sitting would be pretty good amoung others.

  7. Babysitting is a good one, but if you prefer other jobs, how about taking care of neighborhood dogs/animals?

  8. It is nice to see you are so industrious

    How about paper carrier

    dog walker

    gardener/yard work

    help with small children or seniors

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