
What jobs are available in agriculture?

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What jobs are available in agriculture?




  1. 1. Agricultural scientist

    2. Agricultural banking officer

    3. Agri business

    4. If you want to be self employed? Then try farming.

  2. There are more than can be listed. We have food crops, medicinal crops, lumber, even bio fuel, textiles, and more. For each of those there are management, disease prevention and research, packaging, storage and shipping technologies, engineering of farm and production equipment. From the dirt hoeing farmer, to the co-op, to the the store and everywhere in between, anything you can do in the world has a component in agriculture. It is fitting since we spend so much time and culture in the company of breakfast, lunch, and supper. I love it.

  3. Farming?

  4. There are many jobs in Agriculture that are not directly related to actual farming.  I can't even start to list all buy will give you a few and you can take it from there if you are looking for a job in agriculture.  For example there are many government jobs, both State and Federal.  There is the federal inspection of grain exported from the US to insure we are shipping a the quality of grain that another country is paying for. There are government jobs at all international entry points in this country, airports, border crossings, etc.  They check for any agriculture produce that people may bring into the US.  In most cases prevent it from coming in to spread diseases and insects that would be harmful to this country.  Also a like number of jobs pertaining to animals.  There is work in grain elevators, produce processing plants, animal processing plants.  Jobs in manufacture and sales of farm machinery and all other products used on the farm, such as fertilizer, pesticides etc.  Jobs in teaching and agriculture research.  I could go on and on, but I think you see the point, there are a lot of jobs in agriculture that don't require you to wear bib overalls and shovel manure.  Good luck in your job hunt.

  5. This is too vast to answer quickly. Office jobs, banking/finance, scientific research are just a few that are needed in agriculture as well as other industries. Beyond that everything from scraping pens and feeding dairy cattle to breaking horses to tending sheep/goats to growing crops and working in a processing plant for killing meat animals for livestock, cutting and wrapping the meat. There's probably more variety in agriculture than any other industry. If you don't like dealing with crops there's still thousands of jobs to do with lifestock. There's also increasingly agri-tourism and real estate people with ag backgrounds, ag journalism, working for ag related media...lots of things!

  6. anything you want....

  7. since agril is supposed to be considered as a proffession ,which s independent . u need not have to go search4 jobs .... its better u start ur own proffession ...

  8. Looking at your avatar, I'd say you could make a successful career in the dairy industry...

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