
What jobs are available with the army active first program?

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I'm interested in joining the Active First program with the national guard/army and i heard that all the jobs weren't available to me as compared to someone one active duty so i was just wondering which ones are?




  1. you'd need to see a recruiter. not all units have the same MOS. your local units will not have every MOS available. go the the army reserve recruiting station and he can pull up your local units and tell you what MOS's they have.

    SFC M, he means the active first program for the reserves.

  2. Why don't you actually join the Army?

    Then you can talk to a real Army Recruiter, about jobs in the real Army.

    You can always go join the National Guard after you are done with the Regular Army.


    The Guard's Active first program only offers 50 jobs, the Army offers 150 jobs.

    I strongly recommend that you talk to an Active duty recruiter first, and look at all of the jobs you are qualified for.

    Talking to a National Guard Recruiter about going Active Duty makes as much sense to me as talking to an Air Force Recruiter about joining the Marines.

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