
What jobs are there for a 13 yr old?

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okay im 13

i know there are not many jobs for a 13 yr old

but i need to make some money

and no dont say a lemonade stand or anything like that -_-

i need enough money to buy a sewing machine cuz im going into modeling/fashion design soon.




  1. Borrow a lawnmower and cut grass for your neighbors.  It's the easiest and best paying way for a kid to make money.  You could make $100 a day if you try hard enough.

  2. car wash or baby-sit

  3. Im 14 and these are some ways i make money::: 1. Babysit your younger cousins or nieghbors or family friends. 2. Talk to your parents about working out a system- if you make thier bed they pay you 3 dollars- if you vacumm some rooms in the house they pay you 4 dollars- if you wah the dishes or do the laundry you get 3 dollars. (<---it may seem like very little at first but if you make atleast 10 dollars a day or ten days you'll have 100 dollars or more!)  3. if someone buys you clothes you dont like or dont really need- return them to the store and get back the money they were worth and spend it towards your sewing machine! Hope i helped<3

  4. 1) Babysit

    2) Petsit, walk dogs, wash dogs/pets

    3) Mow lawns

    4) Wash cars

    5) Wash dishes and do other tedious household chores for people who are too lazy to do it themselves

    6) If you are really desperate, you could always put a picture of you're desired sewing machine on an empty jar and hang out at the mall or a shopping center nearby asking for donations and spare change for a new sewing machine.

    7) Are you good at math, writing or science? When I was in middle school I used to charge people to do their homework for them. $10 for a math assignment and $20 for an essay or science paper. Just do not get caught. make the trade outside of school if you can.

    8) Cook! do you know anyone who is really busy and would like to hire you to cook a meal for their family once or twice a week?

    9) Sell stuff! do you have any nice things that you are willing to part with? Examples are: guitars & musical instruments, jewelry, designer clothes, xbox games, cds, dvds, books, collectors items, etc.

    10) Can you paint or draw or write? Write poems and stories and submit them into any and every writing contest you can find online. Paint or draw pictures and sell them at local events in your town.

    Hope you can scrape at least a few bucks out of these suggestions. Good luck to you.

  5. Babysitting

    Dog walking

    Yard work

    Running errands for neighbors

    Helping eldery neighbors with housework

    Mother's helper

    Door to door car wash

  6. theres not many real jobs for 13 year olds, unless you know someone that will hire you or something.

    so if your good with kids, try putting ads up for baby-sitting. maybe your parents will pay you if you do chores. or dog-sit if your good with dogs, theres plenty of little jobs like that you could do.

  7. dog walkin the neighbours dogs is kool and fun !

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