
What jobs are there for a 15 year old?... well 15 in under a month

by  |  earlier

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I am 14 and shortly approaching 15, do you think anyone will employ me for a job. I know you have to be 16 to get a job, but is there any chance of a part time job in a little shop or something, or is that not possible?





  1. Many grocery stores hire clerks even at age 14.  I worked at an Albertsons when I turned 14.  I really don't like the online surveys.  Many of them ask for personal information and you might or might not get any money.

    Try your newspaper's classified ads too :)  

  2. You may be able to find work with a landscaping company if you get a letter of permission from your parents. You should research the requirements for working before you are of age. You could inquire at a state employment agency. I am sure they would be happy to help you and give you accurate information.

    Also, you might ask your neighbors about doing their yards, or babysitting or pet sitting. You would be self-employed, but it would require you to be very responsible and to work hard to please your clients. Good Luck!

  3. UK - you need your national insurance number before you can get a legal job and you have to be 16

  4. This site has good reviews for work at home jobs:

    This site pays you cashback when you shop and you get £10 free when you sign up:

    This site pays you each time you make a search on yahoo, it's not much but at the end of the year it can add up to a couple hundred pounds:

    This site pays you to leave your internet on:

    You can get a free website and get paid through advertisements on the site here:

    Sign up to adsense here:

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