
What jobs are there for animal lovers?

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Im in year 11 and im not doing chemistry but would lov 2 work with animals when i leave school.Im living in Perth WA and im doing Biology.




  1. hiiii, me doing biotech 2nd yr, m also nt doing chem.

    i wannna tell u tht u hv to  select vet,animal science, animal biotech, forestry, animal husbandary, nutrition, marine biology nd sme other simillar lines.... but acordin to current condition... animal biotech is good... transgenic animals, clone, dairy biotech nd many more in this field

  2. Be a marine Biologist and work with Dolphins and Whales at Public Aquariums. Become a large animal Veterinarian and work on horses or zoo, exotic animals. Become a Veterinary technician and work at an animal hospital for large or small animals. Be a Dog and Cat groomer or a clerk in a pet store. Become a Rancher and raise goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, horses, cattle. It's an enormous choice!

  3. Why not love your neigbhor instead of animals. Care-giver is a career. Lots of old people direly needs love, affection and attention. These are the people who are left behind by society. Give them love, and God will love you too. As the saying goes, "all men are God's creation."

  4. Chef?

  5. Check with your local " Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals."

  6. A vet, a veterinary nurse, a zoo keeper, animal handler in a petting zoo, a farmer, a Zoologist, work in a pet shop, a dog walker, a dog trainer, animal psychologist, a farrier ( shoes horses) A wild life expert. Look after  endangered baby orangutans, elephants etc. Marine biologist, camera man/ woman, Animal breeder. Ostrich farmer, Shiatsu practitioner for animals, Work for the World Wild life Fund. RSPB, Cats protection league, Livery stables. Good luck!!!

  7. zoo keeper. animal whisperer. zoologist. marine biologist. vet. pet beauty parlours. pet trainer. police.

  8. vetenery science is very helpfull to you

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