
What jobs can I get with an AA in Human Servises and what will the pay be?

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What jobs can I get with an AA in Human Servises and what will the pay be?




  1. Human Services jobs generaly pay c**p....... Alot of people that get that degree either work for a charity that pays $7 an hour........ You can always get a county job with that degree, welfare case worker, social security case worker, child abuse worker etc etc ----- basicaly c**p jobs. At least with the county jobs they paid about $11 an hour on up..... The only ones that make big money with a human services degree is the Supervisers of case workers or the ones that actualy setup and run a charity...... The problem with the county type superviser jobs is you usualy have to work several years in some child support collection agency job for several years and get a promotion due to longevity/seniority --- of course you have to put up with the backstabbing coworkers and spirit crushing work!!!  I worked for a state agency that provided care to the mentaly retarded (developemental disabiltys is the politicaly correct term) ------ We had lots of starry eyed college grads working there wiping rear ends and cleaning up drool before they realized this was a crappy employment choice..... The only way up was either getting out or kissing major butt for several years.....   Of course you might be a good hearted person that wants to help society but after dealing with the burned out scags coworkers for a period of time you wont be so idealistic...... At least when I worked for the state for 20 years I didnt buy into the c**p I was surrounded with.... I saw the work as it was and my coworkers as exactly what they were --- they were nervous around me which suited me fine..... losers always know there places --- find a better career choice --- dealing with battered women will suck the life out of your soul ---- Best Wishes!!

  2. . 'Human Services'? That sounds like a social worker. Better figure on $7/hr, especially with a 2-yr 'degree',

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