
What jobs can I hope to find with a B.S. in Economics and minors in Finance and International Affairs?

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I will graduate in May '10 from Georgia Tech, but am just wondering what job prospects are out there for my major and minor combination. Is being a part of a Big 4 possible, if not, what else is out there for me? My current GPA is a 3.24. (3.0 is Dean's List at this Institution) I'm really hoping that my GPA won't hold me back. Am I destined to work in some government cubicle or is there real world application hiding in my degree awaiting the corporate world? Thanks for your time and advice!




  1. Why don't you check with your Career Development Center on campus to see what your job prospects are and maybe get an internship?

  2. Your future job will be:   High School Teacher

    Unless you have connections, the job market is limited for those with Economics degrees.

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