
What jobs can a 13 year old can work instead of baby sitting and get paid of course?

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What jobs can a 13 year old can work instead of baby sitting and get paid of course?




  1. Ha ha im 13 to lol umm i work like mowing laws and to get extra pay i do it my bakinni =) but your a boy just go to some young teens house and mow her lawn in you bathing suit she pay you lots beleve me but only if your fit and good looking lol hahha sorry of your not then you can work at a local book store or do other jobs like errings for people carry old ladys bags a lawn sale will make you alot of money also!

  2. being 13 is tough, but I shoveled snow, raked leaves, sold lemonaide, babysat, and worked for resteraunts under the table during summer.

  3. Move to China, there you have all sorts of opportunities.  Theres the textile industry, then of course there's manufacturing, lets not forget the agricultural industry.  All sorts of fun stuff.

  4. not sure i guess at 13 u really dont work

  5. Be creative. You can shovel snow, cut grass, pull weeds, run errands, deliver papers, tutor kids, clean houses, clean out garages, etc. Just use your imagination; whatever people are willing to pay someone to do (within the law) is fair game.

  6. paper route...depending on which state you live, it is illegal for a 13 year old to get a "job" with a company and have a work week, even part time.

  7. McDonalds hires greeters but I think you might have to be 14. A lot of schools will higher you to help the janitors clean.

    A lot of resteraunts will higher dishboys under 16.

  8. 13 year old's can't legally work, this includes babysitting, it IS illegal to look after someone elses child (other then your own) untill you are either 18 or a fully trained nanny, you can't even legally look after siblings till 18. check the law, it's true.Xx

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