
What jobs can a 13 year old get?

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in Cornwall




  1. A paper job?


  2. Paper round

    Dog walking

    Djing at your local hospital radio

    Volunteering at a watersports school thing

  3. hannah is right paper round??

  4. Apparently, under the Employment Act law you are not eligible to work under 16.It is illegal to do so. There may be exceptions on working voluntary.

    Want to be cheeky please. may probably get a job for flipping burgers.sorry!!

  5. sell lemonade!

  6. Babysitting?

  7. Not alot.... acutually not even adults can get a good job at this bad time of the world

  8. as your only 13 by law you cont have a jpb unless its babysitting gardning cleaning some old persons house or a paper round something little like that . sarah x

  9. Paper round..??

  10. Proberly just a paper round unless you get odd jobs like baby sitting ect. But what i will say is that a paper round is reeeeally boring and long and doesn't pay great. I did it for about a month before I gave up because i thought it just wasn't worth it, but then again i didn't really need the money, was just doing it for some extra cash, so if you really need money then you could proberly stick at it.

    but to actually be able to get a job you need to have a national insurence card. You get this just before you turn 16, about 3 months before, so thats when you will be allowed to start working, but a lot of places only take you when you are 16 or finished school.

    Hope this helped.


  11. You could get  a paper round but you are not legally allowed to babysit until you are 14 years old. You can only work for up to 2 hours on a schoolday and that has to be between the hours of 7am and 7pm. (This is UK law, not US).

  12. Paperound, babysitting.. ?


    Light work

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