
What jobs can i get at 15?

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im not 16 till october and i would like a summer job that isnt stacking shelves.

its Uk jobs aswell.

i would prefer hotel or cafe jobs but im unsure of the age you have to be for them??




  1. As long as you can get a work permit you should be able to work anywhere that will hire you.

  2. It's difficult to get a job at 15 because of labor restrictions.  Although many teens do not realize it, government regulations restrict how late a teen can work, how many hours they can be used, and the types of tasks they can perform.  The regulations also require stronger enforcement of breaks and lunch hours.  A work permit is required in most areas.

    Quite honestly, the businesses who can hire someone under the age of 16 find it more trouble than it's worth because so many 16+ are also looking for summer jobs.

    The best way for you to find a job is to network through family friends, your parent's business acquaintances, etc.  FYI, that's also the best way to find a job regardless of your age.  Companies would prefer to hire a know entity than an unknown one.

  3. Very few places will hire you at 15/16 unless you have really good experience. Tell everyone you know that you are looking for a job and ask them to keep their ears open. Make a resume listing what you have done, community service and hobbies. You can email for help on your resume if you need it.

  4. None.:)

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