
What jobs can i get with a pure art degree?

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what can one get from learning pure art?




  1. Let me see. Well my art degree opened a lot of doors for me, there was bussing at Dennys, oh, I did get a cashier job. And now I'm a paramedic. Do your art for you, its few and far between for that makin money. Become an art teacher.

  2. I would definitely mix that degree with another program of study. Such as English, Art History. You can speak with the Art Department and see if you can obtain an internship or mentorship, to study under another artist if you are interested in solely studying art. This can ensure connections when you graduate. But I am currently studying Art History and you could study that with Art as well so you can work in a museum or a gallery, or even volunteer. With a pure art degree you can attend graduate school, become an art teacher/professor, or a trained artist.

    EDIT - Regardless of what anyone says, you should always believe in yourself. Even in the harshest times, you can excel doing whatever you want to if you put your mind to it. Just work hard! Look to fellow artists as inspirational leaders. Take on teaching for a while until doors start opening up for you.Then when the money starts coming in for your work, and you can stand on your own two feet just by doing what you love then go for it! It may not be right away. And you don't need to go to a certain school or be in a certain location for success! Take George Rodrigue for example! He stayed in Cajun Country (Louisiana) and became a national success with the Blue Dog! He worked on promotions for Absolut and Neiman Marcus because he believed in himself! He now owns numerous galleries in Louisiana and California!

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