
What jobs can i have for being a 12 year old?

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KK so i am 12 years old and i really want a job and make as much money as i can because i am saving up to go to disneyland with my friend. I have had experience with kids but i just dont want to wipe kids butts while they are on the toilet but i dont mind baby's. I love animals just dont want to have a job picking up p**p. I already do th dishes and laundry and stuff around the house. I am doing garage sales and lemonade stands and stuff like that. PLZ tell me all of the jobs you can think of ASAP!!!! Plz as fast as you can cuz i need money asap!




  1. Ask your parents for money for doing extra chores!

    Good Luck!

  2. oh im 11 and want to baby sit so im taking a course which will get me a cpr certificat

  3. At the age of 12, you're lucky to find parents who are willing to hire you to do anything.  I've taught 6th/7th grade for several years, and there's NO way I'd trust them to watch my child.  I'm considering letting 15/16 year olds who are certified in infant/child CPR.

    If you're serious, you need to get certified in CPR for infants and children, take a babysitting course, etc.  You could also possibly mow lawns, etc.  

    It's funny that you say you don't want to wipe a kid's butt--babies can make the hugest mess with their p**p--I've seen kids p**p up and have p**p up their backs as well as all through their diaper.  Babysitting any kid under toilet trained age (3ish or so) is going to involve p**p.  As is pet sitting--the whole reason I hire a pet sitter is to keep my cat's litter box clean.

    Ask your parents if you can get any $ for doing extra stuff around the house.  They're your best bet.

  4. Have you thought of walking people's dogs that don't have time to do it themselves?

  5. Yea, i believe your best bet is babysitting,

    or you can do yard work or stuff around the house,

    im pretty sure your parents will pay extra for that.

    But since your only 12 theres nothing you can really do, except for the stuff already listed by yourself and others. Sorry :/

  6. I had an idea and it's p**p-free as you seem to have quite an aversion to p**p.

    -Maybe you could try washing people's cars. You could either print up flyers and put them around your neighborhood or you could just go door-to-door in your neighborhood (if your parents say that's okay) and offer to wash people's cars. If you print flyers it will take a little more organization as you will need a place and designated time. If you just go door-to-door you can just wash their car then and there. All you would need is a little bucket filled with car wash supplies and you'd be set for either route you chose. Be sure to have plenty of towels for drying.

    Try being creative and doing something that you have fun doing. If you offer something unique to people you will be in higher demand which, in turn, can mean you could make more money.

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