
What jobs can u do if u wanted to work if an adoption place...?

by  |  earlier

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like where people can adopt kids...

and stuff... anyone no some jobs... that are to do with it?

?? and how do you get into it,..?

a degree..?.....?





  1. It is an extremely cruel profession to separate babies and children from their mommies and families.  

    Why don't you try to do something good for humanity, instead of working in an industry that profits on the losses of others.

  2. wait so you want to work in adoption ,hotels,as a childrens nurse? judgiing from previous posts that is a whole lott of work you will be doing .

  3. I work for DCF in my state as a Foster Care worker, where I conduct home studies on people becoming a licensed foster home, and I help to facilitate the placements of children going into licensed homes.

    I have my B.A. in Psychology

    Whatever state you live in, go under their website for foster/child protection agency and you can find a link to click on for employment

    EDIT** I did just check your other posts. Do you not know what you want to be when you grow up and you are getting your options together? While that is a great thing to do, this is a serious job for people that are truly dedicated....just so you know

  4. If you want to work directly with parents, you need a Master's degree in Social Work.  If you want to work directly with children, you need either a Master's degree in Social Work,  or a foster care license. If you just want to be part of the process, you can work as a file clerk or secretary without any special training.

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