
What jobs can you get in if you are under 16?

by  |  earlier

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me and my friend need a job!




  1. It is legal to work in most jobs that are not considered hazardous at 14 or older a few states limit the jobs you can do in food service, these jobs would be all the same jobs those 16 to 18 can do, the difference is the hours you can work but......................

    many employers just won't hire someone your age.

    Many have had bad experiences hiring 14 and 15-year-old employees due to the employees lack of maturity, dedication, punctuality and work ethic. You must prove you are different. Start by getting great references such as teachers, coaches, clergy, those you have done casual labor for and volunteer organizations and friends parents.

    Then go out there and apply, the worse that can happen is you don't get hired.

    To get information about work permit, jobs you can do, hours you can work etcetera go to:

    from Labor Day until June 1st the hours you can work are strictly regulated. The employers that are willing and able to deal with those restrictions are food service in particular fast food and grocery stores. There are some retailers that hire 14 and 15-year-old employees but they are very few while school is in session.

    You always have the options of casual labor (working for an individual)

    You can mow lawns and other yard work (as casual labor only)

    You can clean houses (as casual labor only)

    You can wash cars (as casual labor only)

    You can Tutor (as casual labor only)

    You can work as a pet-sitter/dog-walker (as casual labor only)

    You can assist the elderly. (As casual labor only)

    You can work as a baby-sitter. (As casual labor only and some states do restrict the age for baby-sitting)

    Just to name a few ideas............................

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