
What jobs exist now that didn't 20 years ago?

by  |  earlier

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I need a list of jobs that exist now in rich modern countries that wouldn't have existed 20 years ago, also they should be jobs that most people would be a ble to get, ones with little qualifications.




  1. dvd manufacturers

  2. internet cafe attendent.

  3. Web designers....

  4. I.T  or the clerk at game stop/eb games.

  5. we had a question about earlier.... a pole dancer

  6. Smoking cessation officers .

    Outreach coordinators

  7. How about someone who works in reality television?

  8. Human Resources

    Fast food outlets

    Call centre workers

    All the IT jobs but you probably need qualifications to do them

    Telephone banking jobs

  9. Life counsellors. Makes me laugh everytime....its an easy certificate to get for someone who cant be bothered sticking it out at uni to get a legit psychology/psychiatry degree but who still wants to listen to peoples woes all day every day.

  10. yahoo answers site

  11. more and more health and safety, department of homeland security, subway server (they are only ten years old)

  12. Satellite TV engineers

  13. starbucks coffee baristas

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